International Council for Higher Education
Accreditation Serving the Public Interest
The ICHEA, International Council for Higher Education Accreditation is a
non-profit organization whose main aim is the stimulation and facilitation
of the internationalization of higher education around the world, and to meet
the professional needs of individuals active in international education.
Honor society membership for academic excellence in a higher education discipline
is one of the most cherished tributes that a graduate can receive from his/her institution.
ICHEA is a primary national voice for voluntary accreditation and quality assurance to the
international education society and a primary national voice for voluntary accreditation to
the general public, opinion leaders, students and families.ICHEA is sub-organization supported by UNESCO.
The ICHEA is an association of international education professionals. It is a multi-sectoral
organization made up of individual and corporate members. The ICHEA represents members from all
education sectors (public and private) - university, vocational education, schools and English
language - as well as from government and commercial organizations.
The ICHEA has been established to serve the needs and interests of the large number of individuals
working in international education across all education sectors, to encourage informed and ethical
professional practice among members, and to promote international education to governments, education
organizations and within the community.
Existing groups and structures have advanced international education in a variety of ways, for
particular purposes and with considerable success. The field has benefited by the policy and
operational inputs of governments and their instrumentalities, peak bodies, corporate and commercial
interests in all sectors.
There is, however, a critical need to serve the professional interests of the thousands of individuals
at various levels, and with widely different professional responsibilities and experience, working in
international education across all education sectors. The needs of individual professionals are best
served by a broadly-based, member-oriented, member-driven association, whose role should complement and
through appropriate alliances, facilitate the work of other groups and bodies within the international
education field.
ICHEA is an association and includes individuals in all education sectors and at all levels, in
institutions, in government and elsewhere, who are active or interested in international education.
This includes individuals involved in executive/senior management, marketing, student support,
study abroad, student exchange, admissions, and teaching and learning. It includes international
membership and relates to counterpart international associations.
ICHEA aims to work in close collaboration with governments and their instrumentalities, industry peak
bodies, corporate and commercial interests.
ICHEA Mission
Promoting closer educational relations between the people of different countries.
Strengthening and linking institutions of higher learning globally.
Building leadership skills and enhancing the capacity of individuals
and organizations to address local and global challenges.
To meet the professional needs of individuals active in the field and bring together
fellow professionals worldwide in all aspects of international education.
ICHEA Offers
The ICHEA strives to link international education professionals together in order to help
create a global environment where there is mobility and education for all. In order to
facilitate this, the ICHEA works to aid in the professional development of internationalizes
and to ensure that important information is not only disseminated, but that there is an increased
awareness about critical issues so that they can be debated in order to come to mutual understandings.
Professional development is tackled by offering various training courses, seminars, professional
development modules and executive forums throughout the year, disseminating important issues via
publications, providing an important forum with the services on-line, and most importantly by creating
an atmosphere for learning, debate, and networking at the annual conference. The ICHEA, with its
professional sections and special interest groups, ensures that adequate attention is paid to the
more specific topics that concern ICHEA members as well as the general topics challenging the
international higher education arena.
An international advocate and institutional voice for self-regulation of academic quality through
accreditation, ICHEA is an association of over 10,000 degree-granting colleges and universities and
recognizes 120 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations.
Largest institutional higher education membership organization in the world, with approximately 10,000 degree-granting colleges and universities.
Sixty recognized institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations.
Governed by a 20-person board of college and university presidents, institutional representatives and public members.
ICHEA Purposes
A primary international voice for accreditation and quality assurance to the Global Congress and
Global Department of Education.
A primary international voice for accreditation to the general public, opinion leaders,
students and families.
A representative of the Global accreditation community to international audiences.
International leader in identifying and articulating emerging issues in accreditation and quality assurance.
International forum to address issues of mutual interest and concern in accreditation.
Authoritative source of data and information about regional, faith-related, career-related and programmatic
Projects and initiatives to strengthen accreditation and its role in serving the public interest.
Conferences and meetings.
Databases and directories of accredited institutions and programs and accreditation and quality
assurance bodies.
Convener of international discussion of accreditation and quality assurance through the ICHEA
International Quality Group.
Recognition is the scrutiny and affirmation of the quality of regional, faith-related, career-related
and programmatic accrediting organizations. ICHEA is the only nongovernmental higher education
organization in the world that undertakes this scrutiny. The federal government, through the
EAICE-Foundation Department of Education, conducts official recognition reviews.
E-mail : infoichea@ichea.org
International Council for Higher Education Accreditation
71 Brentwood Norwich NR46PN U.K.
e-mail: ichea@ichea.org
Betz Dowa
E-mail : betzdewa@chairman.ichea.org